Before setting up a prizeout redeem option, ensure the following:

  1. You have an active account in Prizeout.
  2. Access to your Prizeout dashboard to retrieve required data.

Step 1: Create a New Prizeout Redeem Option

In the Scrimmage dashboard, create a new prizeout redeem option and fill in all the general required fields.

Step 2: Widget Configurations

Configure the following settings using data from your Prizeout dashboard:

  • Partner Name
  • Partner ID
  • API Key - Active

Configure currency conversion and allowed countries for users:

  • Conversion Rate: Select the appropriate conversion rate to convert your local currency, as Prizeout operates in USD.
  • Allowed Countries: Provide the ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 country codes, separated by commas, to ensure proper cards are shown for the correct jurisdiction.
Redeem Widget Configurations on Scrimmage

Redeem Widget Configurations on Scrimmage

Step 3: Private Configuration

Enter the security token (Security Token - Active) provided by Prizeout under the HTTP Callbacks section.

Once all fields are completed, submit the form to create the redeem option.

Redeem Private Configurations on Scrimmage

Redeem Private Configurations on Scrimmage

Step 4: Configure HTTP Callbacks

After saving your redemption option, you'll be able to access the callback URLs. Navigate to the Provider Configurations section of the created redeem option to find these links.

Generated Provided Configurations on Scrimmage

Generated Provider Configurations on Scrimmage

In your Prizeout dashboard, locate the HTTP Callbacks Block and replace the default callback URLs with your newly generated links. Save your changes in the Prizeout dashboard to complete the configuration.

The redeem option is now ready for use🎉


Usage Limitation

Only one redeem option can be in production at a time.

Testing in production

For testing in production environments, you can consider implementing the following approach: restrict access to certain features by setting requirements based on user properties. This way, only specific users can access the testing functionality while keeping it hidden from others.